Anonymous – Hate Crimes & Terrorism Directed at Scientology

Quoted from Anonymous – Hate Crimes & Terrorism Directed at Scientology on YouTube

Anonymous — Religious Hate Crimes and Terrorism directed at Church of Scientology.

Anonymous: Since January 17, 2008, “Anonymous,” a group of cyber-terrorists hiding their identities behind masks and computer anonymity, has targeted the Scientology religion, its Churches, leaders and parishioners with hate speech and hate crimes.

To inform “Anonymous” members who may be unaware of the criminal acts committed by their leaders, and to prevent others from being misled by “Anonymous” propaganda, this video has been produced to provide the facts. The video reveals “Anonymous” repeated incitements to hate and violence.

The Church has not interacted with these “Anonymous” individuals nor does it desire to. However, death threats and threats to plant nitroglycerin bombs in Churches have made it necessary to take security precautions and identify members of this group responsible for these crimes.