Keith Henson press release

Keith Henson is an explosives expert and a convicted hate criminal. On July 19, 2000, he was arrested by the Riverside County, California, Sheriff’s Office for making terrorist threats on the Internet. On April 26, 2001, a jury found Henson guilty of having committed a hate crime under section 422.6 of the California Penal Code. Henson was scheduled to appear for sentencing on May 16, 2001, but failed to appear and the Judge was forced to issue a warrant for his arrest. Henson fled to Canada where he was arrested by Immigration authorities for having failed to disclose his conviction in the United States. Henson was released on bail in Canada pending a final disposition of his case. Meanwhile, on July 20, 2001, the Riverside County Judge sentenced Keith Henson in absentia to one-year in county jail. As an alternative, the Judge ruled that Henson could accept a six-month jail term, three years probation, and pay a $2,000 fine. The Judge also stated that when Henson returns to the United States he will, in addition, face up to half a year in jail and a $1,000 fine, plus penalty assessments, for having failed to appear at the sentencing hearing on May 16, 2001.

The following chat log show how Kady O’Malley, Rob Clark, David Touretzky and others supported Keith Henson’s lies about his bogus political refugee claim in Canada and they discuss what should be written in the press release. Touretzky offers to re-write the press release while he is supposedly at work (Carnegie Mellon University) and as he writes the press release he makes it available to his friends by using Carnegie Mellon University’s server.

Keith Henson is not a political refugee. Henson came up with his bogus claim after he was arrested in Canada. If he was a “political refugee” why didn’t he state so to Immigration when he entered Canada?

More documents are currently being processed showing that before Henson fled to Canada there were some discussions on the same chat channel where Henson’s friends solicited him to leave the United States to avoid sentencing.

David Touretzky: “ptsc [Rob Clark]: mind if I make a pass over this text?”

Rob Clark: “sure, if you’re going to issue an “alternate press release” feel free to mutate, alter or whatever. I assume Kady won’t mind. At the moment, it would be copyright Kady O’malley.”

David Touretzky: “Just gimme a few minutes.”

Rob Clark “Declan immediately issued a report that they have granted him asylum, which ain’t true.”

Elizabeth Fisher “Send me the finished press release in email, I might try something here.”

David Touretzky: “I don’t buy this “fled out of fear… persecuted in prison” crap.”

Arnie Lerma: “That it was a publicity stunt?”

David Touretzky: “I’m rewriting now… gimme a few more minutes.”

Kady O’Malley: “This was all a big publicity stunt’ isn’t a great line for a press release. We don’t have to specify whether his fears are justified.”

Elizabeth Fisher: “It should be “Henson is represented by” instead of “was represented by” and drop the second sentence.”

David Touretzky: “I’ve cleaned up the language…”

Elizabeth Fisher: “Oh this is good, dst!”

Keith Henson: “ptsc [Rob Clark], wait a sec on the press release talk to Gregg first the lawyer has talked to him.”

Keith Henson: “dst [David Touretzky], please unlink that for a few Gregg is working on an official version he is sending it to you right now.”

Kady O’Malley: “Tell him [Gregg] to be easy on the hyperbole.”

David Touretzky: “Henson, it’s not linked. Only available to this channel. Yeah, Gregg tends to go over the top with his language.”

Keith Henson: “dst [David Touretzky], Gregg is sending right now.

David Touretzky: We should be sure to mention that he’s a POLITICAL refugee.”

Elizabeth Fisher: “… the temple of atlan has nothing to do with Keith’s case and in fact makes the release less credible for mainstream media, that is.”

David Touretzky: “Where are you reading this?”

Elizabeth Fisher: “On ars!”

David Touretzky: “Oh shit! Gregg posted some lame-brain thing to ARS?”

Elizabeth Fisher: “Gregg posted it yes.”

Rob Clark: “I don’t have the temple of atlan in the release nor is there a request for donations.”

David Touretzky: “ptsc [Rob Clark] she’s reading Gregg’s piece of crap that he posted to ARS.”

Keith Henson: “Gregg’s may be lame, but it was lawyer approved.”

David Touretzky: “It’s not lame, it’s LOONY.”

Rob Clark: “It’s really too late since it’s already released.”

Kady O’Malley: “Can’t we start an independent support group that doesn’t involve the official endorsement of Keith and Gregg?”

Scott Pilutik: “It’s the same press release I think, with a Gregg sig at the bottom.”

David Touretzky: “Newest version:”

Rob Clark: “I did not present that as a Keith and Gregg production, but cited it to “supporters of Keith Henson”. Essentially without your permission, except I quoted you [Henson].”

Kady O’Malley: “That’s good.”

Rob Clark: “Gregg, email to the Keith list and if I have it I’ll do it. I’m gonna do one final update of the page to add the dueling press releases and then hit the hay.”

David Touretzky: “Okay, I merged in the new Keith quotes from Gregg’s post into my edit of kady ptsc’s press release. New version is uploaded.”

Elizabeth Fisher: “You left in the Breaches of Trust! That is not good take out the “because of its Breaches of Trust”.”

David Touretzky: “Why?”

Elizabeth Fisher: “It makes the sentence very awkward.”

David Touretzky: “Well yeah, but that’s how Keith talks.”

Kady O’Malley: “No it isn’t it’s how Gregg talks. It would be better as not a quote just leave it as a paragraph although it is totally irrelevant to the main news story.”

David Touretzky: “Okay, fixed.”