David Touretzky and children

David Touretzky discussing the abortion issue and how babies should be disposed of six months after birth.

Ed Hamerstrom writes: “Terrell is awful, she wants to make contraception illegal.”

Dave Touretzky writes: “Ed oh, it doesn’t matter what the candidates say about birth control or abortion, cuz nothing is ever going to happen in that department. There are too many Republican women with secret abortions in their past.”

Rod Keller: “I think it’s the democrat who is against contraception.”

Ed Hamerstrom: “No, the other way.”

Dave Touretzky: “Maybe they’ll ban partial birth abortion though. Not that I think they should.”

Elizabeth Cox: “It is why those nice conservative women such as myself voted for Bill Clinton.”

Dave Touretzky: “Hell, I’m for post-partum abortion! Retro-active abortion! Up until, say, the age of six months.”