Why was Kady O’Malley so concerned when certain papers were turned over to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) (soon to be featured):
Jacobsen: “… he told people stuff that was not supposed to leave the channel.”
Fisher: “… and had the RCMP [Royal Canadian Mounted Police] taken his crap seriously, it had very bad ramifications for Kady [O’Malley].”
Hammerstrom: “What did [deleted] post?”
Cox: “A private chat with Kady [O’Malley], and he sent it to a ranking Canadian official.”
Fisher: “He sent a private chat with Kady [O’Malley] to the RCMP.”
Hammerstrom: “What was the substance, was it something important or harmful to Kady?”
Cox: “It was a potential criminal matter.”