IRC Logs

Religious Freedom Watch is currently reviewing more than 500 IRC logs which contain information on what David Touretzky, Robert Clark, Christopher Owen, Kady O’Malley, Scott Pilutik and several other anti-religious extremists have been doing behind the scenes on several fronts, some of which will be turned over to law enforcement as they appear to have exceeded the legal limits.

Our review of these logs is featured below.

David Touretzky chatting on IRC

David Touretzky on his use of public funds:

“My money comes mostly from the US govt, not corporations. So if we raise taxes and hike the NSF and NIH and DARPA budgets, that would be to my benefit.”

“I’m already overpaid.”

David Touretzky boasting about his exploitation of Carnegie Mellon University:

“dst* feels very fortunate to have a university for his ISP.”

“Every time someone tries to censor me, Carnegie Mellon gives them the finger.”

“We’ve got a big fucking notice on the site pointing out that RTC owns this trademark. I could move the image to my CMU web server, but I’m not going to let this ISP off the hook so easily.

*dst: David Stewart Touretzky

David Touretzky planning a false and derogatory campaign against the Scientology religion:

“How about a black PR* campaign? Something about a Scientology pedophile ring?”

*Black PR: false and derogatory information passed out to vilify a person or group.

David Touretzky’s statement about the movie industry:

“well, I have to go contribute to the destruction of the movie industry.”