David Touretzky displaying more racism

David Touretzky displaying more racism. Even his own friend calls him racist.

David Touretzky: “Washington DC is more disgusting than Harlem.”

[Name Deleted]: “How and why is Harlem disgusting.”

David Touretzky: “Disgusting as in rates of illegitimacy, drug abuse, domestic abuse, shootings, prostitution, welfare culture. I think Harlem has gotten better the last few years, but DC has not. White men don’t walk in Harlem at night.”

[Name Deleted]: “Yes they do it is not and never was ‘disgusting’. What’s disgusting is you, dst, for even calling it ‘disgusting’. Some of the greatest art and science in this country came from Harlem.”

David Touretzky: “I know that Harlem was once a major cultural center.”

[Name Deleted]: “I resent you saying Harlem is ‘disgusting’ dst and you should be ashamed. Not was once still is, always was. I just think it’s wrong.”

David Touretzky: “The great Harlem theaters and clubs have closed although the Apollo is still around.”

[Name Deleted]: “Why do you say Harlem is ‘disgusting’.”

David Touretzky: “For the same reason DC is disgusting.”

[Name Deleted]: “And that is???”

David Touretzky: “If you wanna buy crack cocaine, go to Harlem or DC, not Wall Street.”

[Name Deleted]: “dst, cut to the quick here you [are] what’s disgusting?”

David Touretzky: “Doesn’t DC has the highest murder rate in the country? Or is it only second highest now?”

[Name Deleted]: “These are like the little racist pop-ups you see on Neo nazi channels.”

David Touretzky: “[name deleted] objects to my stating opinions, and even more to my citing statistics.”

[Name Deleted]: “dst, do the good one about how the niggers are killing everyone. You have all those in pop-ups when you’re on those other channels, don’t you? You know, the neo-nazi ones the white supremacists ones you go on, dst, the niggers are just a problem.”

David Touretzky: “Although, [name deleted], your remark about ‘niggers’ reminds me of an incident I’d been meaning to tell you about. This happened quite a few years ago now.”

[Name Deleted]: “Harlem is not disgusting.”

David Touretzky: “Back before we were all posting on Usenet, we had a local bulletin board system here at CMU. And one of those boards was dedicated to no-holds-barred discussion.”

[Name Deleted]: “That’s racist dribble and frankly, I won’t continue.”

David Touretzky: “I asked on this board why we had no term that was the black equivalent of ‘white trash’. Because, you know, the N-word was totally unsuitable. We needed some other term. A term that would show that the speaker drew a deliberate distinction between people of a certain skin color who behaved decently (as in ‘decent white folk’) and those who behave badly (as in ‘white trash’).”

Rob Clark: “I have an equivalent as offensive as n-word term for black trash. ‘clarence thomas’.”

David Touretzky: “So why don’t we have equivalent terms for blacks?”

[Name Deleted]: “We do, dst.”

David Touretzky: “And what would those terms be?”

[Name Deleted]: “You just don’t know them. Human beings. It’s really deep in there, dst, maybe one day you’ll get over it.”

David Touretzky: “Living in trailers is a white thing. Drive-by-shootings are a black thing etc. Anyway, here’s the interesting part of my story. A colleague of mine, from Texas, took grave offense at my inquiry. He said that the reason people say ‘WHITE trash’ is to distinguish it from ordinary trash, which is ASSUMED to be black. So even “white trash” is an anti-black term. Personally, I think we need a term for ‘black trash’ so that people can express disapproval of a subculture without appearing to denounce an entire ethnic group. I also think ‘white trash’ is a useful and appropriate term.”