Articles by admin

The Year in Hate

‘Better than a thousand hollow words is one word that brings peace.’ Buddha (560-483 B.C.)

DeSio is no Diogenes
Some people, caught with their pants down, admit the truth. Others avoid the damning evidence, talk about other things, or assert the proof is not […]

Methinks you doth protest too much DeSio
We seem to have hit a nerve in a comment regarding John DeSio’s unflinching support for bigot David Touretzky. Indeed, DeSio displays a troubling inability […]

A racist at Carnegie Mellon University?
Touretzky was “interviewed” by a New York reporter regarding an issue about which Touretzky has never been able to respond: he’s a racist. Touretzky’s internet […]

Tory Christman lies about her ex-husband
“The next day I called her [Tory Christman] to talk and she said she was sleeping and asked if I could bring her some toiletries. […]

Racial slurs in Canada
Last Updated: Monday May 28 2007 | 10:36 AM ET Vandals slashed tires on three vehicles and left notes containing racist slurs in front of […]

Convicted for making racial slurs
9-month sentence for making racial slurs against Seattle clerk.

Carnegie Mellon University burns in satire hell once again
See article by Eric Heyl.

It happened at Carnegie Mellon University
Interesting incident indeed. Is this the reason why CMU won’t act against David S. Touretzky?

Jared L. Cohon
Carnegie Mellon President Jared L. Cohon Reappointed for Third Five-Year Term. It is hoped that he will enforce CMU’s policies with regard to David S. […]

Racial Discrimination
More discrimination.

Racial Slurs
Interesting article. David Touretzky is not the only one making racial slurs. Here is another incident of racial slurs in the home State of Arnaldo […]