A racist at Carnegie Mellon University?


Touretzky was “interviewed” by a New York reporter regarding an issue about which Touretzky has never been able to respond: he’s a racist. Touretzky’s internet postings derogatory of Afro-Americans reveal his hatred for blacks. Touretzky considers blacks to be “really stupid”. He doesn’t like Hispanics either, who are also low-life’s in Touretzky’s opinion.

Asked by the reporter about the charges that he is a racist, Touretzky failed to deny a single one of his bigoted statements made in his favorite chat room, utilizing his typical evasion technique of asserting that his statements could not be found on Lexis-Nexis – as if that proved or disproved anything.

Touretzky’s hate propaganda campaigns are conducted under the imprimatur of Carnegie Mellon University.

1 Comment

  1. I believe that if Touretzky lies about the logs in which Religious Freedom Watch documented his racist slurs, there are enough people out there who have also made copies and downloaded them that Touretzky would be shown to be a major league liar.

    I am sure that Touretzky knows this and so chooses instead to never come right out and deny that he made those racist statements and make a formal apology. It’s too bad that people like this reporter think they have to run air cover for someone like Touretzky. It merely shows that they are pushing an agenda themselves and not really acting as a legitimate journalists.

    Then there is the matter of the invoice that I have seen posted showing that Touretzky was using his work phone at CMU for purchasing sex implements. He has never denied the authenticity of the document. Nor has he explained why he was conducting this type of business from his office at CMU.

    He really is an embarassment to CMU. I wonder if they can point to anything tangible that he has actually produced with all that funding he gets from the government.


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