Contrary to what Rathbun is now telling the media, he testified under penalty of perjury to facts completely contrary to his current statements.
For example Rathbun submitted the following to the court on March 10, 2000:
“David Miscavige, through his long history of actions taken to protect the Scientology religion from any and all threats to its survival and growth, has earned a reputation among Scientologists as the one person who can be absolutely counted upon not to be corrupted, and not to act out of any other motivation than maintaining the purity and integrity of the religion. Mr. Miscavige’s actions have created great comfort and security for Scientologists in good standing around the world. At the same time, by virtue of those same actions, Mr. Miscavige has greatly upset those who have plans for self-aggrandizement at the expense of the religion and those who seek to alter it in any way from the written and recorded words of its Founder, L. Ron Hubbard.”
“Over the years, I have witnessed innumerable personal attacks upon Mr. Miscavige, his family, his character, his integrity and his leadership by apostates and other opponents. Frequently vicious, uniformly offensive, such attacks are a reflection of Mr. Miscavige’s success in safeguarding the religion against attack. Until recently, I have considered the individuals who have attacked Mr. Miscavige as merely embittered, spite-driving anti-Scientologists. However, as described in more detail below, it has recently become clear to me that these individuals are seeking more than merely the removal of Mr. Miscavige or any purported “reform”of the Church. Their ultimate goal is to take over the Church of Scientology, and they are attempting to use this court and the instant motion to accomplish this. They violently disagree with Scientology as practiced by millions across the world, and seek to alter its beliefs and practices to suit their own ends. It is because Mr. Miscavige stands in their way that he has been targeted by them.”
“While Mr. Hubbard was alive, he saw Mr. Miscavige attacked by those antipathetic to the religion for the reason that Mr. Miscavige had a close relationship to him. In fact, Mr. Hubbard himself spoke out publicly in responding to one such attack which alleged that Mr. Miscavige was harming Mr. Hubbard and mismanaging his estate. He stated:
“‘Since there apparently have been specific allegations of wrongdoing by David Miscavige, I wish to take this opportunity to communicate my unequivocal confidence in David Miscavige, who is a long time devoted Scientologist, a trusted associate and a good friend to me. Any activities which he may have engaged in at any time concerning my personal or business affairs have been done with my knowledge and authorization and for my benefit.'”
“More than anyone else, Mr. Miscavige has preserved and carried out the legacy of his good friend and Founder of his religion.”
“In fact, all Scientologists are eternally grateful to Mr. Miscavige for ridding the religion of those who sought to undermine and destroy it from within – the very individuals who today testify as paid anti-Scientology witnesses.”
“The Scientology community and the individual Scientologists who comprise it also recognize that what Mr. Miscavige’s attackers’ are attempting to accomplish is profoundly inimical to the well-being of their religion and that it is Mr. Miscavige’s personal fortitude and strength of character that has prevented the apostates from accomplishing from without the Church what they could not accomplish from within.”
“I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the foregoing is true and correct. “
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