David Touretzky is accused of racism by peers

David Touretzky logged on IRC from Carnegie Mellon University ~dst@Hidden_SP-31739.BOLTZ.CS.CMU.EDU_ making racist comments about African Americans:

Note: DST stands for David Stuart Touretzky.

David Touretzky: “… we have a high infant mortality rate for a developed country, but it’s not because middle class people’s babies are dying. It’s because of crack whores giving birth to high risk premies.”

[Name Deleted]: “dst, why do you use language like that?”

David Touretzky: “I’m just telling the truth.”

[Name Deleted]: “the truth you are telling is that, despite all your great intelligence and capacity and humor, you are, so it seems, under it all and hateful racist.”

David Touretzky: “maybe [you] know something about crack whores that I don’t. … but if you want to talk about race…. infant mortality in the US is much higher for blacks than for whites. I have no idea what the racial breakdown of crack whores is.”

[Name Deleted]: “there are no “crack babies” first of all that term is a misnomer and medically incorrect.”

David Touretzky: “I’m sure that blacks are over-represented in that profession, but in terms of absolute numbers, I don’t know.”

[Name Deleted]: “so, it’s about class then.”

[Name Deleted]: “dst, you really take yourself down when you use language like that. classism IS a form of racism.”

David Touretzky: “it’s your right to not like my language.”

[Name Deleted]: “dst, it’s not that I don’t like it. It’s what it says about you that I find, well, very disappointing. I guess I’d expect more from you.”

David Touretzky: “I’m not creepy. I’m just impatient with people who run down this country.”

[Name Deleted]: “… but using language like that is inflammatory it invites rebuke demands it.”

David Touretzky: “you wanna defend crack whores?”

[Name Deleted]: “yup.”

David Touretzky: “Go ahead. I’m listening.”

[Name Deleted]: “they are saints. first, they are sex workers women who are living, trying to make a way in a brutal world they are people responding to conditions that are totally out of their control sometimes and come from long stading problems, often going back to home life lack there of many are victims of abuse they are all human beings and they find themselves in this place and someone introduces them to the idea of being a prostitute. So this name calling of “crack whores” is first and foremost a cry of pain, sort of like road rage and this langue of “crack whores, crack babies (which don’t exist), welfare queens” it’s not just classist, but it’s also racist one is contained in the other.”

David Touretzky: “Why do you say crck babies don’t exist?”

[Name Deleted]: “it’s my understanding that more recent research disproves the original ideas of what was a “crack baby.”

David Touretzky: “disproves it how? The stats on premature birth are pretty clear.”

[Name Deleted]: “the addictive properties of the drug are not passed along from Mother to Child as they were thought when the original term was put forward. it’s not premature so “crack baby” is not a valid term.”

David Touretzky: “a baby who is born not-premature or underweight, and not addicted to any drug, would not result in high medical costs.”

David Touretzky: “but there are babies who run up $500,000 in hospital costs because of their medical problems, which they wouldn’t have if their mother wasn’t a crack whore.”

[Name Deleted]: “it’s a racist term. get it f***ing straight crack babies and crack whores is racist crap bullshit and I will rebuke that kind of racist hate speech as long as I live.”

David Touretzky: “you should listen to kady [O’Malley]. I’m not racist, I’m classist. And they’re NOT equivalent.”

[Name Deleted]: “YES bullshit, dst that is such crap since Class is based on race don’t run that specious line, dst. come to terms with your own hate and racist heart.”

David Touretzky: “that URL you posted was an article from 1992. And it’s just an AP piece, not a serious scientific article.”

[Name Deleted]: “so what? read the lasttest info for youself. that’s HOW long that term went out of style — dst, you’re still in bell bottoms, highwaters, that’s yesterdays racist stuff.”

David Touretzky: “well for one thing, the article looks only at babies who survive long enough to make it out of the hospital.”

[Name Deleted]: “the dead ones dont’ matter, do they.”

David Touretzky: “if they die after spending a month in NICU, they cost hundreds of thousands.”

[Name Deleted]: “under it all is the economic, on that agree, but keeping it that way involves, indisputably, racist practices like it or not, not just racist, but always racist and that dst’s speech is both classist, which is seems strnagly proud of, and racists.”

David Touretzky: “Larry Elder says blacks are more racist than whites. … Well yelling “racist” doesn’t advance your argument.”

[Name Deleted]: “ok, so then were shall I start to just show you how creapy and hatful you are. Hateful as in “crack whores who are running everything.”

David Touretzky: “I mean, who cares if a crack whore’s kid is retarded because of alocohol abuse instead of cocaine abuse? The kid is still fucked. … there are more whites than blacks on welfare in this country.”

[Name Deleted]: “oh so what, dst. drop it ok.”

David Touretzky: “I don’t think you’re calling me a hateful racist because of some minor detail.”

[Name Deleted]: “dst, that you do not know shows only the depths of your ignorance and need to think really deeply about this.”